You can e-mail me with questions at this address: The requirement for contacting me is that you have first read all five articles about pickup on Postmodern Vanguard. If you have not or you are just plain angry with me because I interrupted your hero worship phase, do not send me an e-mail. I already know that you might get offended by this page and, if you are a pickup guru, you hate me virulently. Also, do not contact me if you are a member of PUAHate, that vicious troll board. I won't respond. (Stay far away from PUAHate. It has some of the biggest, nastiest losers on the internet). For my personal safety, it's probably important to end my pickup contest challenge to the pickup gurus as well.
I still don't get how Urban thinks is site will change anything for a newb, a lot of them don't have the discernment and being a "fanboy" of the community you are gonna ride or die wit the community lol @ tyler bit